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2024-01-29 20:31:17
美[pəˌθɒgnəmɒnɪk]  英[pəˌθɒgnəmɒnɪk]
adj.  [医]特殊(病征)的;特定的;(病征) 能确定诊断的


  1. Adenoma sebaceum is pathognomonic of tuberous sclerosis. 皮质腺瘤是结节硬化的特异性表现。
  2. However, no pathognomonic sign of amebic liver abscess could be found on CT. 早期诊断阿米巴性肝脓疡可避免后遗症发生及不必要之手术或引流。
  3. There are no pathognomonic signs from the physical examination which are specifically related to vasovagal syncope. 体格检查没有发现与血管迷走神经性晕厥相关的特异体征。
  4. Gaze-evoked amaurosis is an uncommon but pathognomonic symptom of intrinsic orbital mass lesion. 摘要注视引发黑蒙症,虽然不多见,却是眼窝肿瘤特有的症状。
  5. There are no pathognomonic signs from the physical examination which are specifically related to asoagal syncope. 体格检查没有发现与血管迷走神经性晕厥相关的特异体征。
  6. Increasing probing depth and loss of clinical attachment are pathognomonic for periodontal disease. 牙周囊袋深度的增加与临床牙周附连的丧失乃是牙周病特有的特徵。