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2024-01-29 21:40:17
美[pətruːn]  英[pətruːn]
n.  <美>(荷兰统治时期)在纽约州和新泽西州的大庄园主


  1. So I gaveXury a piece of rusk-bread to eat and a dram out of our patroons case of bottles which I mentioned before; 我拿了一块干面包给佐立吃,还从原来主人的酒箱里拿出酒瓶给他倒了点酒喝。关于这个酒箱的来历,我前面已经提到过了。
  2. I knew where my patroons case of bottles stood, which it was evident by the make were taken out of some English prize 我知道主人装酒的箱子放的地方;看那箱子的样子,显然也是从英国人手里夺来的战利品。
  3. So IgaveXury a piece of rusk-bread to eat and a dram out of our patroons case of bottles which Imentioned before 我拿了一块干面包给佐立吃,还从原来主人的酒箱里拿出酒瓶给他倒了点酒喝。关于这个酒箱的来历,我前面已经提到过了。
  4. so I gave Xury a piece of Rusk-bread to Eat and a Dram out of our Patroons Case of Bottles which I mentioned before; 于是我从主人的酒箱里拿出酒瓶,倒了一点酒给他喝,让他壮壮胆子。不管怎么说,佐立的提议是有道理的,我接受了他的意见。于是,我们就下了锚,静静地在船上躺了一整夜。
  5. I was encouraged with this, and as I had my patroons antient on board, I made a waft of it to them for a signal of distress, and fird a gun, both which they saw, for they told me they saw the smoke, tho they did not hear the gun; 这给了我极大的鼓舞。我船上本来就有我们原主人的旗帜,我就拿出旗帜向他们摇起来作为求救的信号,同时又鸣枪求救。这两个信号他们都看见了,因为,后来他们告诉我,枪声他们虽然没有听到,但看到了冒烟。