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2024-01-29 21:49:17
美[pætjʊlɪn]  英[pætjʊlɪn]
n.  抗生物植之一种;感冒药


  1. With effect of what brand patulin bit better? 用什么牌子感冒药效果好点?
  2. Dont have the not bitter patulin of side-effect? 有没有没副作用的不苦的感冒药?
  3. Is patulin anteprandial eat or eat after the meal? 感冒药饭前吃还是饭后吃?
  4. Effect of which kinds of patulin is best? 哪种感冒药效果最好?
  5. Often eat patulin to you can have side effect? ? 经常吃感冒药会有副作用吗??
  6. Caught a cold what to patulin effect take best? 感冒了吃什么感冒药效果最好?