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2024-01-29 22:58:16
美  英
abbr.  Public Buildings Administration (美国)公共房产管理局


  1. PBA still responsible foreverythings. 为什么这次却例外?
  2. Will PBA allow this kind of person to be state coach? 我也是非常希望槟城的篮运的能得到更好的发展。
  3. I believe PBA had try to get thing done and they will improve in future..... 无论是关于教练的问题,还是球员的问题,都是采取鸵鸟心态的处理方式。
  4. Do you think well ever see one of these kinds of player on the PBA tour? 你想有朝一日,在PBA的职业赛中,我们可能看到这种打法的选手吗?
  5. Weber is considered by many to be the greatest Bowler of all-time.A charter member of the PBA,he owns a total of 32 PBA tides. 韦伯被公认为当代最出色的保龄球手。作为职业保龄球协会的创始人之一,他共获得过32个职业赛冠军。
  6. The plasticizing and modifying of PBA to PMMA by solution and emulsion polymerization was studied. 通过试验研究了溶液和乳液聚合法制备聚丙烯酸丁酯(PBA)对浇铸型有机玻璃(PMMA)的增韧改性。