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2024-01-29 22:59:17
美  英
abbr.  Packet Burst Protocol;分组猝发协议


  1. PBP file to somewhere under PSPGAME. PBP文件的目录放到/PSP/GAME/下。
  2. Install games onto your PSP using PBP files. 可以使用 PBP 文件在你的 PSP 上安装游戏。
  3. PBP in separate directories, while firmware 1.0 needed only one. PBP 在分开的目录; 当固件1.;0 需要只一。
  4. Run the pbp with the title "Devhook 0.4X launcher for 2.71". 原理是在2.;71的固件上,模拟1
  5. BOX-PCR and PBP fingerprint techniques were used to analyze the homology among strains. 并以盒式聚合酶链反应(PCR)和青霉素结合蛋白(PBP)基因指纹等分子生物学方法分析菌株间的亲缘关系。
  6. On the basis of above, the better kind of PBP was chosen to carry out the pot trial in greenhouse at last. 再选择PBP系列中效果较好的作用物,在网室内进行盆栽验证试验,最终筛选出较好的PBP。