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2024-01-29 23:05:16
美  英
abbr.  Printer Control Language;打印机控制语言


  1. PATRAN is implemented on the base of PCL language. 本文使用MSC.;PCL语言在MSC
  2. The nonwovens of PCL nanofibers are produced. 制造了聚己内酯(PCL)纳米纤维的非织造材料。
  3. The PCL stamp displays the rating of the message based on its content. PCL标记会根据邮件内容显示邮件分级。
  4. Outlook uses the PCL stamp to block the content of suspicious messages. Outlook使用PCL标记来阻止可疑邮件的内容。
  5. The result suggested that OCE was able to indue luteolysis and estrus in infertile cows with PCL. 这些结果表明,复方缩宫素具有溶解黄体和诱导发情的作用。
  6. A special optimization module is developed by using PCL language of MSC. Patran. Patran提供的PCL语言,开发了专用的优化模块。