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2024-01-29 23:23:16
美  英
n.  配电系统


  1. Keep all existing physical design structures (PDS). 保留现有的所有物理设计结构(PDS)。
  2. The PDS programming model handles this transparently for you. PDS的开发模式暗地里为你做了这些处理。
  3. Company will provide special training for PDS and design in China and abroad. 公司提供国内外PDS及专业设计培训。
  4. The application of Gigabit networks is based on the supports of the PDS. 千兆网的应用需要高性能综合布线系统的支持。
  5. In Figure 6A each unit pixel 600 has the same orientation of PDL and PDS. 在图六A中,每个像素单元600都有相同的光电二极体PDL与PDS方位。
  6. The PDS gives you feedback at runtime as to what objects are deadlocking. PDS会在运行时给你反馈,哪个对象正处于死锁。