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2024-01-29 23:34:16
美[piːskiːpər]  英[piːskiːpə(r)]
n.  维和人员


  1. a member of a military force that is assigned (often with international sanction) to preserve peace in a trouble area
  2. someone who keeps peace;

    "shes the peacekeeper in that family"

  3. the pistol of a law officer in the old West


  1. I am a peacekeeper,peace through power! 我是和平卫士,和平源自强权!
  2. Shes the peacekeeper in that family. 她是那个家庭的和事佬。
  3. When Aeryn was injured, he risked his life to infiltrate a Peacekeeper base in search of her cure. 一次艾瑞受了伤,他冒着生命危险潜入到一个和平卫士的基地为她寻求治疗。
  4. A peacekeepers most effective "weapon" is the support of the international community. 维和人员最有效的“武器”是国际社会的支持。
  5. By garrisoning an Peacekeeper your turret will kill any basic infantry in less than one second. 通过驻守和平守卫者你的枪塔可以在1秒内干掉任何基础步兵。
  6. To Together with this, again, an attack again against U.N. peacekeeper say uspeacekeepers a few days ago. 并对几天前联合国维和部队遭到袭击再次表示挂念。