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2024-01-29 23:43:16
美[piːfʃblɒsəm]  英[piːfʃblɒsəm]
n.  桃花(为美国特拉华州的州花)


  1. "Peachblossom Garden"! How can I express your beauty? “桃花园”!我怎样才能写出你的美?
  2. The beauty of the peachblossom is beyond description. 桃花的美丽难以形容。
  3. Scientific "Peachblossom Garden" is more beautiful than poem! 科学的“桃花园”比诗歌更美!
  4. Scientific “Peachblossom Garden” is more beautiful than poem! 科学的“桃花园”比诗歌更美!
  5. But my thoughts are in the “Peachblossom Garden”, my body is in the reality. 科学综合思维的“桃花园”,比诗歌里的“桃花园”更美!
  6. For the first time in my life ,I saw peachblossom with both my eyes and heart . 平生第一次在眼和心中同时看见了桃花。