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2024-01-30 00:00:17
美[piːlaɪk]  英[piːlaɪk]
adj.  豌豆般的;艳丽的


  1. Lotus: such simple and pealike blossom, sweet-scented and likesome. 就这样简单的艳丽的开放,芳香喜人。
  2. western United States bushy herb having yellow pealike flowers. 美国西部灌木般草本植物,开黄色豌豆般的花。
  3. western United States bushy herb having yellow pealike flowers 美国西部灌木般草本植物,开黄色豌豆般的花
  4. genus of North American plants with showy pealike flowers and an inflated pod. 在北美开有艳丽的豌豆般的花和膨大的豆荚的属。
  5. large widely-distributed genus of evergreen shrubs or subshrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and racemose or spicate flowers each having a pealike corolla with a clawed petal. 长有奇怪的羽状叶子和总状花序的或穗状的花且每朵有一个带有爪钩的花瓣象豌豆似的花冠广泛分布的长青灌木或半灌木。
  6. any of various plants of the genus Sesbania having pinnate leaves and large showy pealike flowers. 主要为热带的一个羽状叶草本、灌木或乔木小属,花通常蝶形,大而美丽。