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2024-01-30 00:33:16
美[ˌpekədɪloʊ]  英[ˌpekədɪləʊ]
n.  轻罪;小过失


  1. a petty misdeed


  1. For this peccadillo he was demoted and sent back to pound the beat. 由于这次过失,他被降了级,又被打发去干徒步巡警了。
  2. He is such a fury! He just flied into rage at such a peccadillo! 对于这样一个小过错就罚款5000英镑简直是太过分了。
  3. The shoe that wear crosses peccadillo to tighten, can have generated great pressure to the foot, this makes the person feels not only uncomfortable and still can make the foot is formed a few.. 穿的鞋过小过紧,会对脚产生过大压力,这不仅使人感到不舒适而且还会使脚形成一些...
  4. theatricalized little space this is a force because of color and common peccadillo method becomes rich the example of artistic quality. 戏剧化的小空间这是一个因颜色的力量而将一个普通的小过道变得富有艺术性的例子。
  5. guilty of some mild peccadillo 有某种小过失.