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2024-01-30 00:45:17
美  英
n.  (以甜言蜜语侈谈仁爱的)佩克斯列夫(英国作家狭更斯小说中的人物)式的;伪善人


  1. "You are around the corner now," cried Miss Pecksniff. “你现在有转机了,”佩可斯尼夫小姐喊道。
  2. It is possible that Miss Pecksniff saw in Mrs. Todgerss a vision of enthusiastic men, pining to fall in adoration at her feet. 说不定,裴斯匿夫小姐也许一想起托节斯公寓,眼前就仿佛出现一群如醉如狂的人,全都要拜倒在她的脚下。
  3. The indignation felt by Mr. Pecksniff at this terrible disclosure, was only to be equalled by the kindling anger of his daughters. 可怕的事实一被揭穿、裴斯匿夫先生的义愤填膺,也只有两个女儿的怒火中烧才敌得过呢。
  4. "Money,John," said Mr Pecksniff,"is the root of all evil." “约翰”,佩克尼弗说,“金钱是万恶之原。”
  5. "Money, John," said Mr Pecksniff, "is the root of all evil." “约翰”,佩克尼弗说,“金钱是万恶之原。”