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2024-01-30 00:48:16
美[ˌpekəriːnoʊ]  英[pekəriːnəʊ]
n.  佩科里诺干酪;羊乳干酪


  1. Toss all this together and serve.Shave over some Parmesan or Pecorino, crumble your nuts over and tuck in. 将所有材料混合,在上面削一些帕马森起士或羊奶乳酪,再洒上碎胡桃,然后你就可以大快朵颐了!
  2. Casu marzu is a runny white cheese made by injecting Pecorino Sardo cheese with cheese-eating larvae that measure about one-half inch long. 蛋白虫奶酪是用佩科里诺干酪和可食用的半英寸长幼虫制成的流动的白色奶酪。
  3. But believe me, we have many other different grapes in our region like Malvasia or Pecorino - they are small grapes and not very well known but fantastic as well! 但是请相信我,我们的庄园还有许多别的不同的葡萄品种,比如玛尔维萨和佩科里诺,这些都是小葡萄,不是非常有名,但是仍然很美妙!
  4. spaghetti pesto (spaghetti, basil, pine fruit, pecorino cheese, parmigiano reggiano, extravergin olive oil 意式细长面配热那亚风味酱(弯卷面,罗勒,松子,托斯卡纳乳酪,巴玛乳酪,橄榄油)29元
  5. spaghetti carbonara( becon , onions , eggs, extravergin olive oil ,pecorino cheese 意式乳酪培根面(细长面,培根,洋葱,鸡蛋,橄榄油,佩科里诺乳酪)26元