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2024-01-30 01:07:17
美[pɪkjuːliər]  英[pɪkjuːliə(r)]
adj.  奇怪的;特殊的;独特的;古怪的
n.  特权


  1. 奇怪的,奇特的,怪异的,特异的
  2. 特殊的,特别的,特有的
  3. 罕见的
  4. 独特的,独具的
  5. 乖癖的
  6. <口>有点不舒服的
  7. 异常的,不寻常的
  8. 个人的,私人的
  1. 特权
  2. 特有财产
  3. 【宗】特殊教区,特殊教会
  4. 【基督教】上帝的特选子民
  5. 犹太人


  1. 奇怪的,异常的 strange or unusual, especially in a troubling or displeasing way
  2. [P]特有的,独具的 belonging only (to a particular person, place, time, etc.)
  3. [P]〈非正〉不舒服的,有病的 rather ill


  1. beyond or deviating from the usual or expected;

    "a curious hybrid accent" "her speech has a funny twang" "they have some funny ideas about war" "had an odd name" "the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves" "something definitely queer about this town" "what a rum fellow" "singular behavior"

  2. unique or specific to a person or thing or category;

    "the particular demands of the job" "has a particular preference for Chinese art" "a peculiar bond of sympathy between them" "an expression peculiar to Canadians" "rights peculiar to the rich" "the special features of a computer" "my own special chair"

  3. markedly different from the usual;

    "a peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats" "a man...feels it a peculiar insult to be taunted with cowardice by a woman"

  4. characteristic of one only; distinctive or special;

    "the peculiar character of the Government of the U.S."


  1. Did you notice anything peculiar?你注意到有什么异常的事吗?
  2. The food has a peculiar taste.这食物有种怪味道。
  3. A peculiar feeling came over Feliks.一种特殊的情感传遍费利克斯全身。
  4. This actor has a peculiar charm, which attracts middle-aged women.这个演员有种特殊的魅力,吸引了很多中年女性。
  5. The Mid-Autumn Festival is peculiar to China.中秋节是中国所独有的。
  6. I have my own peculiar way of doing things.我有自己独特的做事方式。
  7. Our history teacher has always been a little peculiar.我们的历史老师总是有点古怪。
  1. Its the managers peculiar to use this meeting room.使用这间会议室是经理的特权。