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2024-01-30 01:12:17
美  英
suf.  表示“脚;足”
pref.  表示“儿童;孩子”
abbr.  (=Personal Electronic Device)个人的电子设备


  1. His mother yap ped at him for staying away so long. 他母亲因为他离开她太久而对他吵嚷起来。
  2. Everything he said drip ped acid. 他的话里字字句句都带着刺。
  3. The journalists drop ped this subject. 新闻界人士避开了这个问题。
  4. She drop ped her purse in the store. 她在商店丢失了钱包。
  5. The driver drop ped a passenger at Dalian. 司机让一乘客在大连下车。
  6. The censor - ped the swearing words. 电影审查员剪去了骂人的话。