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2024-01-30 01:59:17
美[pedəˌgriːd]  英[pedɪgriːd]
adj.  有来历的;血统明白的


  1. having a list of ancestors as proof of being a purebred animal


  1. Sam is pedigreed Chinese crested dog. 他是一只纯正的中国冠毛犬。
  2. This couple have his and hers jumpers knitted out of the hair molted by the pedigreed pets. 这对夫妇拥有他们自己的由纯血种的宠物的毛编制而成的无袖套衫。
  3. "Rahula, its like a royal elephant: immense, pedigreed, accustomed to battles, its tusks like chariot poles. “罗睺罗,譬如有一头御象:巨大、良种、善战、牙如战车之柱。
  4. Its stated mission is to preserve and promote the pedigreed breeds of cats and to enhance the well-being of all cats. 它的规章,条款,可说是十分严谨且繁复.;但是,却更让爱猫人趋之若鹜。
  5. Having one parent of pedigreed stock and the other of unknown or mixed ancestry. Used of animals. 半血种的,半纯种的只有一支亲本是纯血统的,另一支不知道或祖上混杂,用于动物
  6. Many of the eligible dogs are pedigreed but some pet owners also advertise for strays they have adopted. 许多条件优渥的单身狗都是纯种的,但也有狗主人也为领养的流浪狗刊登徵求广告。