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2024-01-30 02:01:17
美[pedɪmentəl]  英[pedɪmentəl]
adj.  山墙的(山前侵蚀平原的)


  1. A small ornamental pediment, as on top of a door or window. (门窗上)三角饰小的或带装饰的三角楣,一般在门或窗顶部
  2. This pediment is deeply incised to form V-shaped valley. 测年结果表明,川西高原主要河流阶地均形成于更新世以来。
  3. The pediment was the crowning feature of the Greek temple front. 为古希腊神庙正面的顶部特徵。
  4. IT media had a kind of pediment really brilliant lively. IT媒体的确有了一种山花烂漫的热闹。
  5. Wait for when pediment is brilliant, they laugh in the clump. 待到山花烂漫时,她们在丛中笑。”
  6. The population in the oases in hill pediment alluvial fan are the most. 山区和盆地相交的山前冲洪积扇缘绿洲地带最多,盆地中心及其盆地周围山区人烟稀少。