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2024-01-30 02:07:16
美[pedlə]  英[pedlə]
n.  小贩;货郎;流动商贩;(喻)兜售者;传播者


  1. The police are weeding out the unlicensed pedler. 警察正在取缔无证商贩。
  2. "I tell you that it has not," retorted the pedler. “我说您没有给过,大娘。”那小贩说。
  3. "Theres a brat as big as my fist who tells lies as big as the house," exclaimed the pedler. “这小妞还只有一个拳头大却已会撒弥天大谎了,”那小贩说,“小妖精!
  4. " "Come," said the pedler, in a rage, "this wont do at all, let my horse be watered, and let that be the end of it!" “够了,”那小贩动了气,“没有的事,快拿水给我的马喝,不要罗嗦!”
  5. "Come," said the pedler, in a rage, "this wont do at all, let my horse be watered, and let that be the end of it!" “够了,”那小贩动了气,“没有的事,快拿水给我的马喝,不要罗嗦!”