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2024-01-30 02:18:16
美[pedəsfɪə]  英[pedəsfɪə]
n.  (地球的)土壤圈;土界


  1. There is a lot of sludge in pedosphere of Tianjin Area. 天津地区表土层中广泛分布着较厚的淤泥类土。
  2. The overall environment quality of lithosphere is good and pedosphere is not polluted. 从总体上讲,大巴山区岩石圈环境质量是较好的;
  3. Lithosphere, Pedosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere are a large -scale ecosystem where balance of lithosphere plays a decisive role. 整个地球表层的岩石圈、土壤圈、大气圈、水圈和生物圈是一个最大的生态系统。岩石圈的平衡在这个系统中起着决定性的作用。
  4. The hydrosphere, atmosphere, pedosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and energy circle in an ecosystem are also in a dynamic balance. 生态系统中的水圈、气圈、土石圈、生物圈、能量圈也呈动态平衡。
  5. XIONG Liming.The pedosphere and the global phosphorus circulation[M].Nanjing:Jiangsu Science and Technology Publishing House,1992. [19]熊礼明.;土壤圈及全球磷素循环[M]
  6. Cao Z P, Yu Y L, Chen G K, Dawson R. Impact of soil fumigation practices on soil nematodes and microbial biomass. Pedosphere (SCI收录). 2004, 14(3): 387-393. 陈国康;陈世春;肖崇刚;等.;烟草根围土壤对主要烟草病害的拮抗放线菌株筛选及其鉴定