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2024-01-30 02:26:17
美[ˌpiːkəbuː]  英[ˌpiːkəbuː]
n.  (和小孩子玩的)躲猫猫游戏
adj.  用透明薄织物制的;用网眼刺绣镶边的


  1. a game played with young children; you hide your face and suddenly reveal it as you say boo!


  1. Chloe is having fun playing peekaboo with daddy. 小克正和爸爸玩儿骑在腿上藏猫猫的游戏呢。
  2. One is playing Peekaboo with a red silky scarf my mum bought for her from China. 一个是用我妈从国内带来的这块红纱巾,蒙在头上和我捉迷藏玩儿。
  3. Heres the answers from Peekaboo of http://cpc-peekaboo.blogspot.com, a finalist in the Best Photo Blog Category. 也顺便让我老家的朋友们能得知我的近况。
  4. Here’s the answers from Peekaboo of http://cpc-peekaboo.blogspot.com, a finalist in the Best Photo Blog Category. 不过现在写着写着已变成我抒发心情及想法的一个避风港了,不过没什么人看就是了。
  5. This is the perfect way to get your baby interested in books and to spend special time together.Enjoy hours of peekaboo fun! 因为这不是历史,作者试图用影响这场危机的一个周期 里国际形势和国内政策的变化,来展现危机的来源。
  6. Introductory exercises and in-game aides like "peekaboo," which compares top-scoring solutions with yours, help novices get up to speed. 游戏还有入门练习,可以把你做出来的蛋白质结构和高分的结构进行比较,这对于新手来说很有帮助。