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2024-01-30 02:35:17
美[piːpəl]  英[piːpʌl]
n.  菩提树 (= pipal [变体])


  1. fig tree of India noted for great size and longevity; lacks the prop roots of the banyan; regarded as sacred by Buddhists


  1. The scriptures on the peepul tree leaves are very precious. 这些写在贝多叶上的经文十分珍贵。
  2. But if the nextgovernment again flunks reform, it could be the peepul itself that issmothered. 但如果下一届政府的改革再度无疾而终,那可能就轮到菩提树们被窒息而死了。
  3. But if thenext government again flunks reform, it could be the peepul itself thatis smothered. 但是如果下届政府的改革依然不成功,那么被闷死的可能就会是菩提树自己了。
  4. The peepul tree is a rare and precious plant in Xishuangbanna. Such kind of trees blossom only once in their lifetime. 贝叶树是西双版纳珍稀植物,一辈子只开花一次。
  5. But if the next government again flunks reform, it could be the peepul itself that is smothered. 但如果下一次政府改革再次失败,被窒息的将会是菩提树自己。
  6. Revered by many Indians, the peepul has a habit of makingroom for itself, poking up through roads, sometimes smothering its rivals. 这种很多印度人心目中的圣树惯于为自己开辟空间,能从道路中间冒出头来,有时甚至会将竞争对手闷死。