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2024-01-30 02:59:16
美[ˌpiːdʒəreɪʃən]  英[ˌpiːdʒəreɪʃən]
n.  恶化;堕落;语义的堕落


  1. Ironically the word vulgar is itself an example of pejoration, the process by which the semantic status of a word changes for the worse over a period of time. 具有讽刺意味的是vulgar 这个词本身就是一个贬义词, 是一个词的语义经过一段时间变为贬义的过程。
  2. Moreover, the real estate profession bitter experience not pure is the fund supply and demand gap question, but to entire market prospects anticipated pejoration, the confidence drops. 况且,房地产行业遭遇的并不单纯是资金供求缺口问题,而是对整个市场前景的预期变坏,信心下降。
  3. pejor est bello timor ipse belli. (拉)害怕战争比战争本身还可怕。
  4. 7。pejor est bello timor ipse belli. (拉)害怕战争比战争本身还可怕。
  5. Social Attitudes and the Pejoration of Women in English 社会态度与英语中女性词语的贬降现象