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2024-01-30 03:23:17
美[pəliːs]  英[peliːs]
n.  皮上衣


  1. a sleeveless cape that is lined or trimmed with fur


  1. Therefore Al-Drifa entered the city precinct, swathed in a long black pelisse. 因此,艾尔德利法身披黑皮衣悄悄进入了城区。
  2. He wore a fine blue silk-lined full coat, put on over a fur pelisse. 他身穿短皮袄,罩上一件丝绸里子的雅致的蓝色长身上衣。
  3. Simonne flung a fur-lined pelisse briskly over her shoulders, and went out. 西蒙把一件沿皮边的披衣,猛然往肩后一披,就走出去了。
  4. He contemplated, not that girl, but that light which wore a satin pelisse and a velvet bonnet. 他一心景仰着,不是那姑娘,而是那一团有缎斗篷和丝绒帽的光辉。
  5. The law of various standing collar structure of pelisse was found by studying of designing method . 本文通过对皮衣各种立领结构设计方法的研究,找出了其变化的规律。
  6. Not in a silver dress with a hussars pelisse worn on one shoulder , and a strange little pillbox hat pinned to her deep -black hair. 而不是穿着饰以银色的轻骑兵皮衣,还有奇形怪状的女式小礼帽压在她的深黑色长发上。