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2024-01-30 03:32:17
美[pelɪkəl]  英[pelɪkl]
n.  薄皮;薄膜


  1. thin protective membrane in some protozoa


  1. FA deastringency side of the date on which the film pellicle. 不收滑的一背即为胶片药膜背。
  2. Aerobic bacteria often form pellicle or scum on the surface of liquid media. 好氧性细菌可在液体表面形成菌醭、或菌膜。
  3. To this problem, characteristics and application of pellicle capacitor used as smoothing capacitor of CVCF and inverter are introduced and analyzed. 针对这个问题,本文介绍并分析了采用薄膜电容器作为变频器,逆变器的整流滤波电容器的特点与应用。
  4. Yeast play an important role in fermentation industry, but some could cause unpleasantodour or form white pellicle in Soy sauce. 摘要酵母菌在发酵工业有重要作用,但是有些酵母却是酿造工业中的杂菌,使成品酱油产生不愉快的臭气或形成白膜。
  5. Local application of the compound chitosan pellicle can promote skin nicer healing. 局部应用复方壳聚糖膜剂对家兔皮肤溃疡愈合有促进作用。
  6. Conclusion: Local application of the compound chitosan pellicle can promote skin nicer healing. 结论:局部应用复方壳聚糖膜剂对家兔皮肤溃疡愈合有促进作用。