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2024-01-30 04:37:17
美[penɪtreɪtɪv]  英[penɪtrətɪv]
adj.  渗透的;有渗透力的;有洞察力的;敏锐的


  1. 敏锐的
  2. 渗透的
  3. 贯穿的
  4. 深刻的
  5. 有穿透力的
  6. 动人心弦的
  7. 彻骨的
  8. 能穿透的
  9. 能进入的
  10. 深入的
  11. 彻底的
  12. 渗入的
  13. 眼光锐利的
  14. 穿透的
  15. 尖刺的


  1. having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions;

    "an acute observer of politics and politicians" "incisive comments" "icy knifelike reasoning" "as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang" "penetrating insight" "frequent penetrative observations"

  2. tending to penetrate; having the power of entering or piercing;

    "a toxic penetrative spray applied to the surface" "a cold penetrating wind" "a penetrating odor"


  1. A toxic penetrative spray applied to the surface.一种有毒的渗透性的喷雾施于该表面。
  2. Jojoba oil is high in minerals and protein, is non-greasy and highly penetrative.荷荷巴油含有高量的矿物质和蛋白质
  3. Very soon, however, his look became keen and penetrative.然而,他的目光很快就变得犀利而明察秋毫了。
  4. As a student of the Department of law, except to learn the theory knowledge, the more import is to learn the rigorous logical thinking, also learns penetrative observation.作为法律系的学生,除了学到法律的理论知识外,更重要的是学到一种严谨的逻辑思维方式以及敏锐的观察力。