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2024-01-30 04:45:16
美[ˌpenɪsɪlɪˌneɪs]  英[penɪsɪlɪneɪs]
n.  [生化]青霉素酶(用以解除青霉素过敏)


  1. enzyme produced by certain bacteria that inactivates penicillin and results in resistance to that antibiotic


  1. Penicillinase,hematein and nano gold colloid were immobilized,as a modified membrane,on a plane Pt electrode by glutaraldehyde-bovine serum albumin. 用戊二醛-牛血清白蛋白交联法将青霉素酶、纳米金胶和氧化苏木精同时修饰在铂电极上,制成电流型电化学生物传感器。
  2. Unfortunately, amoxicillin is not resistant to penicillinase so it is not effective against penicillinase-producing bacteria. 令人遗憾的是,阿莫西林对青霉素酶无抵抗力,所以,它不能有效抑制青霉素酶产生的细菌。
  3. A synthetic antibiotic, C17H19N2O6NaS, related to penicillin and most commonly used in treatment of infections caused by penicillinase - producing staphylococci. 甲氧苯青霉素一种合成抗菌药,C17H19N2O6NaS,与青霉素有关,最常用于治疗由青霉素酶产生的葡萄球菌引起的感染
  4. Orbenin is stable to staphylococcal penicillinase, and highly effective against resistant staphylococci. It is bactericidal, acid-stable and well absorbed by either the oral or the intramuscular route. 全霉林对葡萄球菌的青霉素酶稳定,对耐药葡萄球菌十分有效。本品具杀菌、耐酸作用,且口服或肌注吸收良好。
  5. Purification and characterization of penicillinase 青霉素酶分离纯化及酶学性质研究
  6. penicillinase producing Neis-seria gonorrhoeae 产生青霉素酶的淋球菌