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2024-01-30 05:34:16
美[penstiːmən]  英[penstiːmən]
n.  [植]钓钟柳;元参属植物


  1. large genus of subshrubs or herbs having showy blue or purple or red or yellow or white flowers; mostly western North America


  1. Inflated or swollen on one side only, as in some corollas, especially in the genus Penstemon. 一侧臌的 Ventricose 仅在一侧膨大或鼓起,如某些花冠,尤其钓钟柳属。
  2. Not so very long ago I was outside in the sunshine, inhaling the fragrance of rosemary and lavender, and picking a nosegay of penstemon and anemone. 没多久以前,我还在外面阳光下呼吸着迷迭香和薰衣草的芬芳,采摘起一束钓钟柳和银莲花。
  3. Any of numerous plants of the genus Penstemon, native to North America and eastern Asia, having opposite leaves, flowers with a usually two-lipped, variously colored corolla, and capsules containing many seeds. 钓钟柳属一种源于北美和东亚的长有对生叶和双唇形花及多色花冠和子荚孢的钓钟柳属植物
  4. Any of numerous plants of the genus Penstemon,native to North America and eastern Asia,having opposite leaves,flowers with a usually two-lipped,variously colored corolla,and capsules containing many seeds. 钓钟柳属一种源于北美和东亚的长有对生叶和双唇形花及多色花冠和子荚孢的钓钟柳属植物
  5. Not so very long ago I was outside in the sunshine, inhaling the fragrance of rosemary and lavender, and picking a nosegay of penstemon and anemone.My mind remembers it, but my heart has forgotten it. 一只装牛奶的纸盒,里面堆满了正在变黑的香蕉皮、洋葱皮和西兰花蒂,在那里责怪着我。