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2024-01-30 05:36:16
美[penˌstɒk]  英[penstɒk]
n.  水门;水道;水闸


  1. regulator consisting of a valve or gate that controls the rate of water flow through a sluice
  2. conduit that carries a rapid flow of water controlled by a sluicegate


  1. High temperature insulation piece, wearable piece, penstock. 高温绝缘器件、耐磨件、水阀片。
  2. The penstock can be divided into manual type, manual and electric type, electric type according to the headstock. 由启闭装置的不同型式可分为手动式、电动式、手电动式三种。
  3. Penstock [hydroelectricity] A closed conduit which supplies water under pressure to a turbine. 压力管道[水电]一条封闭的渠道,以压力对涡轮机供水。
  4. The penstock chooses end face integral seal and the seal material is special rubber, which makes the seal safety and durable. 闸门采用端面整体密封,密封材料采用特殊橡胶材料,保证密封牢靠、耐用。
  5. In the traditional penstock level measurement and transmission system, data of water level is measured by hand. 传统的水渠水位测报系统采用人工检测的方法获取水位数据,整个测量过程繁琐、费时,而且易受人为因素影响;
  6. The Penstock laid on downstream face of dam is not only a new type of arrangement, but also a new kind of structure. 摘要混凝土坝下游面钢衬钢筋混凝土管道既是一种新型的布置方式,又是一种新型的结构形式。