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2024-01-30 06:15:16
美  英
n.  摩西五书(希伯来圣经首五卷)


  1. the first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit


  1. Colenso, Bishop of Natal, was deposed in South Africa in 1862 for impugning the authenticity of the Pentateuch. 纳塔尔主教科连索于1862年在南非因着攻击摩西五经的真实性而被革职。
  2. The Pentateuch and Joshua relate how Israel became a nation and came to possess the Promised Land. “律法书”和约书亚是叙述有关以色列如何形成民族而占有“上帝应许之地”。
  3. The Old Testament consists of 39 books,the oldest and most important of which are the first five books,called Pentateuch. 《旧约全书》由39部书组成,其中最古老、最重要的五部称之为“摩西五书”。
  4. The king did not say, now Ezra, since I am going to send you to Judah , you better brush up on Moses laws (or the Pentateuch). 国王没有说:“以斯拉,因为我现在要派你去犹大,所以你最好赶快学习一下摩西律法。”
  5. Pentateuch n. 摩西五书 ...
  6. In addition, as separate books they already had many of the other books that have since been incorporated with the Pentateuch into the present Hebrew Bible; Chronicles, the Pasalms and Proverbs, for example. 除此之外,他们已经拥有许多其他书籍的单行本,这些书后来和《五经》一起收入现在的《希伯来圣经》,例如《历代志》、《诗篇》和《箴言》。