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2024-01-30 06:19:16
美[ˌpentətɑːnɪk]  英[ˌpentətɒnɪk]
adj.  五音的


  1. relating to a pentatonic scale


  1. I also love working with pentatonic scales. 我也非常喜欢用五声音阶。
  2. The pentatonic scale, a scale of five notes, is a scale without semitones. 五声音阶包含五个音,并且没有半音阶。
  3. The common pentatonic scales can be derived in this manner, as shown below. 普通的五音阶起源于如下所示的方法。
  4. The tritones are bracketed, and the derivative pentatonic scale written alongside. 三全音被括弧起来和衍生的六音阶也加在旁边。
  5. This contains a melody that is beautifully representative of the pentatonic scale. 因为忧伤的曲韵容易唤起人们的思乡情怀,五音音乐在日本的影响很大。
  6. Like most kids, I started out listening to and playing rock and roll.But I quickly tired of the pentatonic sound. 象大多数孩子一样,我开始也听并演奏摇滚乐,但是我很快开始厌倦五声音阶的声音。