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2024-01-30 06:40:17
美[pentɒksaɪd]  英[pentɒksaɪd]
n.  五氧化物


  1. an oxide containing five atoms of oxygen in the molecule


  1. Nitration ability of dinitrogen pentoxide was introduced. 介绍了五氧化二氮的硝化能力,综述了五氧化二氮在硝化反应中的研究进展。
  2. My products mainly include vanadium pentoxide, Ferrovanadium, vanadate and coatings. 我公司经销的产品主要有五氧化二钒、钒铁合金钒酸盐和涂料。
  3. Phosphorus Pentoxide, also called Phosphoric Acid Anhydride, is a white, spiculate crystal. 五氧化二磷又名磷酸酐,白色针状晶体。
  4. A method has been proposed for determination of Bi,Se,Te in high-purity niobium pentoxide by HG-ICP-OES. 提出了氢化发生电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(HG-ICP-OES)测定高纯氧化铌中铋、硒、碲的分析方法。
  5. This shows that Vanadium pentoxide may only rarely be applicable as sole oxidizing agent. 这表明五氧化钒能单一用作氧化剂是很少的。
  6. Effect of Lithium-Intercalation on Optical Absorption of Vanadium Pentoxide Thin Films[J]. 引用该论文 吴广明;吴永刚;倪星元;周 箴;张慧琴;吴 翔;陈 炎.