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2024-01-30 07:36:16
美[pəbɔːeɪt]  英[pəbɔːreɪt]
n.  [化]过硼酸盐


  1. New applications of sodium perborate in organic synthesis were introduced. 介绍了过硼酸钠在有机合成中的一些新的应用。
  2. Common bleaching agents are hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, sodium chlorite and sodium perborate. 常用的漂白剂有过氧化氢、次氯酸钠、氯化钠以及过硼酸钠。
  3. The stabilized chlorine dioxide solution (stabilized solution) is prepared by adding sodium perborate. 以过硼酸钠为稳定剂制备稳定性二氧化氯溶液(稳定液)。
  4. Indole can be oxidized by some organophosphorus pesticides, such as DDVP, with the existing of sodium perborate, forming fluorescent compounds. 有机磷农药敌敌畏(DDVP)在过硼酸钠的作用下可将胺类化合物氧化成可发荧光的产物。
  5. Sodium perborate or percarbonate was added to detergent powders at the beginning of the 20th century to improve the bleaching and cleaning abilities. 摘要20世纪初,在洗衣粉中添加过硼酸钠或过碳酸钠,可以提高漂白去污能力,随着节能潮流的到来。
  6. A teasaponin is extracted from the tea seed,and then a well-behaved washing assistant is prepared by the teasaponin blended with sodium perborate. 通过从茶籽饼粕中提取茶皂素,并将其与过硼酸钠进行复配进而制取性能良好的洗涤助剂。