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2024-01-30 07:43:17
美[pəsiːvəblɪ]  英[pəsiːvəblɪ]
adv.  可知觉地;可察觉地


  1. Typical case report has characteristic Chinese way of reporting, it typically represents media and propaganda system;path of its change most perceivably reflects the change of propaganda system. 典型报道是我国特有的新闻报道方式,是新闻宣传体制的典型代表,它的变化轨迹最直观的反映出宣传体制的变迁。
  2. In addition, the research further explores that only when teachers perceivably understand "problem structure" of physics competition, can they be in a better position to give guidance to students. 另外,从研究中也发现:教师只有很好的掌握物理竞赛的“问题结构”,才能够有的放矢的进行辅导。
  3. wherein I spoke after him as well as I could, and found myself perceivably to improve every time, though very far from any degree of perfection. 遇到了布里斯托尔的坡可克船长,他正要到坎披契湾[坎披契湾就是北美洲东南岸的墨西哥湾的西南部分。]
  4. I had no sooner said so, but I perceivd the creature (whatever it was) within two oars length, which something surprized me 我话音未落,那巨兽离船不到两桨来远了。
  5. But this is by the by: While I was cutting down some Wood here, I perceivd that behind a very thick Branch of low Brushwood, or Underwood, there was a kind of hollow Place; 有时我又想在他们生火的地方下面挖个小坑,里面放上五六磅火药。等他们生火时,必然会引爆火药,把附近的一切都炸毁。
  6. and as soon as I gat thither, which was not less than two hours (for I could not go apace, being so loaded with arms as I was) I perceivd there had been three canoes more of savages on that place; 我费了两个多钟头才到达那里,因为我全副武装,负担太重,怎么也走不快。我一上小山就看到,除了我刚才看到的两只独木舟外,还有另外三只在那儿。