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2024-01-30 07:50:17
美[pəˌseptəbɪlətɪ]  英[pəˌseptəbɪlɪtɪ]
n.  能知觉(理解力)


  1. the property of being perceptible by the mind or the senses


  1. Example is better then(or than?) percept. 模糊的概念比不过具体的实例。
  2. An ounce of practice is worth a pound of percept. 极小的练习都需要很大的自觉。
  3. She was an active and constant percept for decent behaviour. 正直,行为积极,持久的准则。
  4. On the way back home, in the bus at night, I thought a lot and percept a lot. 其实他什么也不用说,什么也不用做,只要能让我安静地喘口气就好。可是,他还是选择在我最脆弱、最需要安慰的时候离开我。
  5. Is it that we are just too blind to percept the whole truth - but who can? 我不是只信命的人, 但又偏偏不能否定它确实存在。
  6. Students: People Oriented, not only can use some Chinese Kungfu, but also can percept Chinese Wushu culture deeply. 以人为本,传承中华武术文化;使学员不仅学得武术本身,而是透过武术深度感知中华文化。