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2024-01-30 08:06:17
美[pɜːkloʊraɪd]  英[pəkləʊraɪd]
n.  过氯化物


  1. a chloride containing an unusually high proportion of chlorine


  1. Perchloride of iron used to etch gravure cylinders. Alernative term: etchant. 中义腐蚀凹版辊筒的高氯酸铁。
  2. Used for dispensing perchloride cream and fenvalerate malathion cream, lower use level and good effects. 用于配制高氯及氰马乳油,用量低,效果好。
  3. When construction of ethylene perchloride is going on, you should take care of smoke and fire. 在进行过氯乙烯施工时;应注意烟火.
  4. Production and market status of ethylene perchloride at domestic and abroad is introduced in this article. 介绍了四氯乙烯国内外生产现状和市场状况。
  5. He would have been greatly irritated and thrown off his balance, had any one told him that the elixir of gold is nothing but the perchloride of iron. 假如有人告诉他说金酒只不过是氯化高铁,他一定会暴跳如雷怒不可遏。
  6. And the presence of chloride, sulfate, and perchloride ions can increase the rate of chromium removal while silicate interfered the reactions in zero-valent iron and bi-metal systems. 此外水体中存在不同的共存阴离子会对六价铬还原反应造成干扰,其中氯离子、硫酸根离子、过氯酸根离子在本研究中均能帮助反应进行,矽酸根离子则对系统有极大之干扰,抑制反应的持续进行。