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2024-01-30 08:11:17
美[pərsɪpiənt]  英[pəsɪpiənt]
adj.  敏锐的;洞察力强的
n.  洞察者


  1. 知觉的
  2. 敏锐的
  3. 感觉的
  4. 洞察的
  5. 感知的
  6. 有觉察力的
  7. 有知觉的
  8. 理解透彻的
  9. 明察秋毫的
  10. 理解的
  11. 知觉敏锐的
  12. 自觉的
  13. 洞察力强的
  1. 知觉者
  2. 有感知力的人
  3. 感觉者
  4. 感觉灵敏的人
  5. 洞察
  6. 鉴赏力
  7. 洞察者


  1. a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses
  1. characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving;

    "clear mind" "a percipient author"


  1. Yes,the percipient substitude the creative in our whole Youthhood,so that make a prosperous pink elephants. 是的,整个青春期,鉴赏力代替了创造力,制造出繁盛的幻觉。
  2. However, Vermeer"s eyes are so percipient that no instrument is able to substitute for them. 但是,无论他使用了什么工具,画家那双具有鉴赏力的眼睛却是什么也无法替代的。
  3. What it is including demeanour, artistic percipient, play is fluent with decorous respect agree. 它包含着风度、艺术鉴赏力、发挥的流利与高雅方面的契合。
  4. Even though you cannot be pleased by everyone, at least the percipient group and real young persons will appreciate and follow you. 既使你不可能让所有人都满意,至少有眼光的人士与真正年轻的人群会欣赏与追随你。
  5. F music with passion, can play guitar, can perfm efficiently with the guitar speaker cabinet, having a high audity sensitivity percipient f sound. 爱好音乐,能弹凑吉他,熟练操作吉他音箱进行表演,具有一定程度的听音与监赏能力。
  6. Its theme decorates the expression of the hobby that is domestic host and appeal, it has very big effect to the promotion of interior edify and percipient. 其主题装饰就是家庭主人的爱好和情趣的表现,它对心灵陶冶和鉴赏力的提升有很大作用。