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2024-01-30 09:10:16
美[pərfɔːrm]  英[pəfɔːm]
v.  执行;履行;表演;运转;举行
  形容词:performable  名词:performance  过去式:performed  过去分词:performed  现在分词:performing  第三人称单数:performs


  1. 执行,履行,实行
  2. 表演,演出,演奏,扮演
  3. 干,做,进行
  4. 完成(事业)
  5. 表现
  6. 行(动)
  7. 玩把戏
  8. 从事
  9. 工作(好/不好)
  10. 运转(好/不好)
  11. 举行


  1. vt. 执行; 履行 do; carry out a piece of work, an order, etc.
  2. vt. & vi. 表演; 扮演 give, act or show (a play, a part in a play, a piece of music, etc.) especially before the public


  1. carry out or perform an action;

    "John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters" "the skater executed a triple pirouette" "she did a little dance"

  2. perform a function;

    "Who will perform the wedding?"

  3. give a performance (of something);

    "Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight" "We performed a popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera"

  4. get (something) done;

    "I did my job"


  1. perform a ceremony举行仪式
  2. perform a contract履行合同
  3. perform dance表演舞蹈
  4. perform ones duty尽职
  5. perform operation做手术
  6. perform part in在…中扮演角色
  7. perform task执行任务
  8. perform wonder创造奇迹
  1. perform admirably表演得极好
  2. perform brilliantly出色地表演
  3. perform creditably可信地执行
  4. perform effectively有效地执行
  5. perform energetically有力地执行
  6. perform faithfully忠实地执行
  7. perform gallantly华丽地表演
  8. perform harmoniously和谐地表演
  9. perform perfectly圆满地执行
  10. perform pleasantly令人愉快地表演
  11. perform poorly演得很差
  12. perform publicly公开地表演
  13. perform satisfactorily令人满意地表演
  14. perform skilfully熟练地演奏
  15. perform successfully成功地执行
  16. perform unwillingly不愿意执行
  17. perform well运行良好,演得好
  18. perform over and over不断地演奏
  1. perform at〔on〕 piano演奏钢琴
  2. perform in role of扮演…角色
  3. perform to伴着…演奏
  4. perform with以…演奏


  1. Every manager must perform some duties of a ceremonial nature.每个管理者必须执行一些礼仪性的任务。
  2. Student teams perform a comprehensive analysis and valuation of a business, as outlined in the syllabus.如同课程大纲所提及,每一组学生都要对一个企业执行广泛的分析与评价。
  3. They always perform their duties faithfully.他们总是忠实地履行自己的职责。
  4. We will resolutely perform our internationalist duty no matter what happens.不管发生什么情况,我们都要坚决履行我们的国际主义义务。
  5. He is going to perform magic at the party.他将在晚会上表演魔术。
  6. John is a bullfighter. Death hangs over his head every time he performs.约翰是斗牛士,每次出场表演都要面临死亡的威胁。
  7. The machine performs well.那部机器运转良好。
  8. Members of certain tribes perform special ceremonies when they reach manhood.某些部落的男人在达到成年时要举行特殊的庆祝仪式。


    perform的基本意思是“履行,执行,完成”,多指完成某项事业或较为复杂的工作,可接表示任务、责任、奇迹、功能等抽象意义的名词作宾语,也可与表示手术、实验等具体意义的名词连用。perform偶尔还可作“提供”解。 perform可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。作“表演”解时,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语由for引出。作“演奏”解时,表示乐器的名词须由介词at或on引出。