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2024-01-30 09:21:16
美[pəfjuːz]  英[pəfjuːz]
vt.  洒遍;撒满;撒布
  形容词:perfusive  过去式:perfused  过去分词:perfused  现在分词:perfusing  第三人称单数:perfuses


  1. force a fluid through (a body part or tissue);

    "perfuse a liver with a salt solution"

  2. cause to spread or flush or flood through, over, or across;

    "The sky was suffused with a warm pink color"


  1. Adequate quantities of plasma continued to perfuse the kidney. 相当量的血浆持续灌注到肾脏。
  2. OBJECTIVE:To prepare internal eye perfuse aqua and establish a method for its quantity control. 目的制备内眼灌注液并建立其质量控制方法。
  3. Methods: Using lincomycin hydrochloride perfuse into gastrointestinal tract to make mouse flora imbalance model. 方法:小鼠经盐酸林可霉素灌肠造成菌群失调模型。
  4. Methods: The model was established on the rats 13 months old by D-Galactose solutions, with the perfus stomach with Baoshen Decoction. 方法:13月龄大鼠以D-半乳糖溶液造模,同时经胃灌注保肾汤水煎液,设西药组、青年组对照,2月后观察各组大鼠超微结构的改变。
  5. The extracellular recordings have got from the experiments of that perfuse a brain slice of bufo melanostictus optitectus(OT)in vitro. 采用脑薄片技术,用金属微电极对离体蟾蜍视顶盖简称(OT)进行细胞外记录,观察视顶盖OT神经元的自发放电特点及几种神经递质的影响。
  6. NS and sulvia mitiorrhiza-NS were used to perfuse and preserve the graft and injected intravenously to the recipients when transplantation. [方法] 大鼠制成胰十二指肠肾脏联合移植模型,分别用生理盐水、丹参生理盐水在切取移植物时灌注保存,移植时受体尾静脉注射。