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2024-01-30 09:29:17
美[pəhaɪdrɒl]  英[pəhaɪdrɒl]
n.  强双氧水


  1. To thoroughly disinfecting and raising efficiency, we used 3% perhydrol liquid soaking compared to boling method. 为了达到彻底消毒,且提高工作效率的目的,我们采用3%25双氧水溶液浸泡与煮沸消毒进行了对照。
  2. Title: Treatment of a furfural-byproduct wastewater by catalytic oxidation using perhydrol. 关键词:糠醛废水;催化氧化;硫酸;过氧化氢;活性炭
  3. Treatment of a furfural-byproduct wastewater by catalytic oxidation using perhydrol. 催化氧化处理糠醛废水。
  4. They also showed that the stability of plasma caused by perhydrol matrix was effectively improved.The recovery revealed good accuracy. 研究还表明由过氧化氢造成的等离子体的不稳定性也得到了改善。
  5. Results showed that perhydrol would affect the intensities of elements (Ni, Ca, Mg, Cu) and through our study this effect could be compen-sated by an internal reference element. 研究了过氧化氢对分析元素谱线强度的影响以及使用内参比元素来消除这种影响。
  6. Has old Z met a ghost?Old z has designed that perhydrol constitutes fuel , that has been a pretty difficult thing in wanting to let perhydrol dissolve to fringe benefit. 老z设计了过氧化氢组合燃料,想让过氧化氢溶到油水里那是相当艰难的事情。